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4. Customization


Customize your AI assistant to perfectly fit your brand and user experience. This guide covers how to adjust the AI characteristics, change the assistant’s voice, and style the assistant button to match your application’s design. Tailor every aspect to make the AI assistant truly yours.

1. AI Characteristics

Customize the assistant behavior via the Admin Panel by providing your custom prompt and training data.

By default, AiAssistantProvider supplies the AI model with the current screen content. To disable, set scrapeContent to false. Scraped content supplements your custom prompts added from the admin panel.

2. Assistant Voice

Change AI assistant's voice via the Admin Panel by selecting your preferred voice in the application settings.

3. Button Design

3.1 Button Color

Modify the colors of the AiAssistantButton at different states:

const customStateColors = {
STATE_IDLE: '#4a6cf6', // Bright Blue
STATE_LISTENING_START: '#F64A7B', // Bright Pink
STATE_THINKING_START: '#4ac2f6', // Sky Blue
STATE_SPEAKING_START: '#4af67f', // Light Green

<AiAssistantButton stateColors={customStateColors} />;

3.2 Button Style & Position

Pass a style object to adjust dimensions, position, and appearance:

const customStyle = {
// Positioning and layout properties
position: 'relative', // Positioning of the button, 'absolute' or 'relative' to its normal position
bottom: 'auto', // Distance from the bottom of its container (use with 'position: absolute')
right: 'auto', // Distance from the right of its container (use with 'position: absolute')
zIndex: 999, // Z-index for layering controls

// Dimension properties
width: '100px', // Button width
height: '100px', // Button height

// Font and color properties
fontSize: '50px', // Font size of the icon/text inside the button
color: '#FFF', // Color of the text/icon inside the button

// Border properties
border: 'none', // Border properties
borderRadius: '20%', // Border radius to control the curvature of the button corners

// Box model properties
boxShadow: '0px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', // Box shadow properties
transition: 'background-color 0.3s ease-in-out', // Transition effect for hover or click events

// Flexbox properties
display: 'flex', // CSS display property
justifyContent: 'center', // Aligns children (e.g., icon) horizontally
alignItems: 'center', // Aligns children (e.g., icon) vertically

<AiAssistantButton style={customStyle} />;

For example: To override default positioning, set position: 'relative' and bottom/right: 'auto'. This allows custom placement within your container.

3.3 Button Advanced Styling

Apply CSS classes for complex styling:

.my-custom-button {
padding: 10px 20px;
transition: all 0.5s ease;

/* Hover effect */
&:hover {
background-color: #365f8c;
transform: scale(1.1);

/* Responsive adjustments */
@media (max-width: 600px) {
width: 100%;
font-size: 14px;

<AiAssistantButton className="my-custom-button" />

Use the style prop for inline adjustments or className for stylesheet-based customizations.